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Location: Izmir
Project type: Transportation
Employer: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
Project year: 2020

Construction area: 150000 m²
Land area: 145000 m²
Status: National Competition 1st Honorable Mention

Project team: 
Kemal Bal Nil Bıçak, Erol Kalmaz, Ali Gurer,  Arzu Güler, Kemal Doruk Kaplan, Mehmet Okumus, Demet Satı, Ergin Kalmaz


A swallow, a puddle, a piece of sky.

They must have fallen from a poem.


That's what a passerby said.

İlhan Berk




“I left your jacket at the tailor in the terminal passage, will you stop by and pick it up in the evening?”

“We can meet at the corner cafe in the terminal garden, around 12, it's cool there.”

“-I left my bike at the terminal eave, I'm going to the subway, don't worry.”

“-Kemalpaşa grove? Yes, continue in front of the terminal, across the street.

"-Hello sir. Let me take a rest here. Oh! Did this tree give olives!”

“-He is our grandson too! baby! Don't get each other wet. Look at these!”




1. Plot and Surroundings: Four facades, 3 textures

The land is adjacent to three different textures with its four facades. 

1. From the west: a dense street pattern, followed by several large-scale commercial structures, 

2. From the south: the metro and YHT network and the cement factory parcel right after it,

3. From the east and north directions: industrial site

2. Requirement program: Servicer-Server

Service provider: It is meant the programs in which passenger buses are in circulation: Getting on the bus, getting off the bus, bus parking, bus vehicle maintenance workshops, driver hostel, technical areas, etc.

Service area: Programs until passenger buses are reached: Terminal entrance-exit, food-beverage and commercial areas, waiting areas, company offices, management offices, hotel, etc.

The classification of the program as a service recipient-server with the data of 3 textures defined an axis that traverses the area. Thus, the triangular region of the axis facing west and south is the receiving program, and the triangular region facing north and east is the serving program.  loaded. It faces the serviced triangular residential area and the serving triangular industrial area. This parcel partitioning was continued at B2-car park level. As a living space, the hostel structure is located close to the functions related to the bus in its serving area, and the calm atmosphere that the rooms need is eliminated with inner courtyards.



One Street

  The triangular area facing the residential fabric ends with the metro and YHT stop in the south. The terminal building was drawn to the border of this triangular area; a new street axis has been proposed by completely transforming the front area. This new street, which is the continuation of the 4174 street axis coming from the residential fabric in the northwest, is the shortest distance to the rail systems point. The new street continues along the terminal facade, accesses the metro and YHT, and continues to the cement factory parcel beyond. Functioning of the cement factory plot as an urban green area has been proposed as a future vision. In case of such a transformation, it is imagined that this designed street axis will turn into an urban recreation axis. The street axis is supported by two-described landscape clusters. These two niches, which are added to the street with a focus tree and the dry dock system on the following axis, produce and multiply the value lost by street 4174, which was cut into the sky due to the construction of the viaduct. At the south end of the street, where it reaches the metro and bus stops, elevations, respite niches and green foci were designed with a similar effort.

A Garden

The issue that the project considers critical for the departing passenger section in the terminal program: The departure passenger area should be in a plan and section relationship that will provide the shortest and fastest connection with the street. Thus, it was considered important to solve the departure passenger area at +26.00 level and in a single plane. By providing the required platform length with the line traversing the plot, the departing passenger section could be solved in a single plane on this line. Beyond this rational effort, an intermediate space/garden, which will be a breathing space between the terminal and the new street, has been proposed. When the outgoing passenger passes through the security unit, they pass into this semi-open garden. After this boundary, there is no security boundary between the garden and the terminal interior area. The outgoing passenger can access the food-beverage and commercial units on the interior plane from the inside or from the garden. The garden is an intermediate space that can include cultural activities beyond working as a secondary waiting area. Terminal offices also have facades and balconies,  This garden volume, where cafes and shops are opened with terraces, receives indirect light from the north and the street direction contains intense landscape. Breathing space.

A Passage

In the projection of the garden at the terminal level, a trade and food and beverage axis has been created at the B1 level. Programs related to daily life such as market, pharmacy, tailor, accounting, restaurant, newsstand in the needs program are located in this passage. This bazaar axis, which is mostly shaded between the tree line that has natural ground thanks to the soil pools in the parking area, and the carrier columns of the terminal garden, is lined up at the turnstile level of Metro-YHT and in that direction. When the axis coming from the street no 4174 arrives at the terminal square, this quota goes down and reaches the metro by stopping by the bazaar series. The passage is located at B1 level between the arriving passenger platforms and the minibus, service and taxi stops where the arriving passengers will be included in the city.



Horizontal and vertical-Terminal and tower

In addition to being divided into service provider-service area, the requirement program is also classified as in-terminal and non-terminal. 

In-terminal (horizontal programs): Company ticket sales units, company offices, catering and trade areas

Non-terminal (vertical programs): Terminal management offices and hotel

In-terminal programs are located under the horizontal terminal roof, mostly in relation to the garden. The management offices and the hotel have been solved vertically so that they can get an entrance from a separate façade. Thus, the 380-meter terminal roof ended with a 72-meter tower. With the decomposition of the program, the massive language of the building emerged at the end of a dialectical process. In the tower structure, starting from the B2 level, administrative offices and hotel functions have been arranged with independent entrances. While the tower is separated vertically by a vertical gallery space where these programs are separated, a two-storey-high volume that divides the tower into two parts horizontally is designed as a green terrace. This terrace is open to the common use of tower functions and has a location to give a city panorama. The leasable office spaces open to different uses and the event hall and foyer space supporting them have also been constructed on the upper levels of the tower. The horizontal program was supported by the garden volume, the vertical program was supported by the open office, event space and city terrace, and all the programs were brought together with all the transfer actions at the south end of the construction.


Horizontal mass offices are directly connected to the vertical mass administration offices on all floors. Common areas are proposed at the crossing points.


Today, the acceleration of the speed of social change has made it necessary for especially urban-scale spaces to be open to transformation. The project has the opportunity to undergo functional changes during the life of the building in terms of its subject, quantity and environmental relations. The project built the flexibility of space on two concepts: Peripheral space and Cell space. Peripheral space , a single conditioned volume under a roof with wide openings; The cell space, on the other hand, describes the segregated sub-volumes under this roof with comfort conditions. In this context, the building is basically designed as two single volumes on an effective axis scheme, taking into account the economy of the openings. Garden and terminal: Two single volumes, one open and the other half open. Under this roof, the walls of which have been determined, a steel skeleton system is envisaged for all other cellular spaces (office, box office, eating and drinking places, etc.). Thus, in case of re-functioning, the cell spaces are dismantled and the singular volume is loaded with new setups. In line with these considerations, the hipped roof section in the 1st phase was brought to a straight line by maintaining the gauge of the multi-storey construction on the middle axis.  


B1 level-Turnstile level, Square and Eaves

The area where the terminal and the rail station meet at the southern end of the parcel is the node where the transfer process takes place. Rather than being dissolved in a transfer structure, this node is associated in a flow with semi-open spaces and fringes. Considering the existing underpass points and connection level, the B1 level of the project has been placed on the turnstile level of the metro and YHT. Every function in the square, which is revealed by the withdrawal of the terminal structure, comes into being with its own cover. Such as underpass eaves, municipal bus stops eaves, terminal passenger drop off area eaves, bicycle parking eaves. By keeping the scale small, a collage of shadows has been created.


Outgoing-Incoming and District Outgoing Separation and Transfer Gap

The outgoing passenger program was solved at street level (+26.00 / 0.00), while the incoming passenger and district outgoing program was solved at B1 (+18.75 / -7.25) level. It is important that the arriving passengers can easily reach the district departure platforms. Departure and district departure schedule are associated with a gallery space in the security zone. The transition from the metro and YHT to the terminal, the management office and the exit to the hotel have been solved on the floor of the gallery space in question. This dispersal area was also supported by the trust program. Arriving passengers, on the other hand, can pass to the minibuses, taxis and service vehicles at B1 level without being involved in security, and the municipal bus stops can be accessed by going up to the square level. At B1 level, an underpass has been proposed that accesses the terminal and the rail system from Kamil Tunca Street without being involved in the square traffic.

Considering the economy of the cross-sectional continuity of the floor height difference between the car parking area and the bus car park, it has been suggested to increase the number of parking lots with a double car parking lot.

The bicycle paths planned by the metropolitan municipality were examined, and the street numbered 4174, whose relationship with “a street” was considered important, was included in the route in order to increase the access to the metro, YHT, bus and terminal. Bicycle parking areas have been built in the fringes area, and the “bike hotel and workshop” at B1 level is located close to the transfer node. 

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